Pass the baton to your future self. Run the race of life, leading to wealth.

“Having a great intellect is like waving a big sparkly baton about in the air. It is all a big display of flash until you crash it down atop the head of ignorance.”



The appeal of intelligence is about what you can accomplish, not that you have it.


Go for the gold!


The finish line is there for all to reach.



With all the major decision you have to make throughout each day and life, you must pause to consider choices, the options, the costs, and rewards that they can each entail.

When I buy stocks, I am not just clicking BUY to get another grouping of letters like a fresh set of tiles in a Scrabble game.

No, these ticker symbols represent real companies; and these companies are complex entities that require diligent study and analysis. Take the time to come to well-reasoned decisions before investing in speculative equities.


For most people in life, money is always a function of the time + labor that you provide.

But you can change this.

If you start buying shares in Visa (V) then you will start taking small steps towards owning shares in one of the world’s most profitable companies, and receive dividends that are a results of millions upon millions of financial transactions every day!


In the last three months, I have managed to invest about $26 a day of my individual earnings, and in March, I managed to lower my expenses to the point that I was able to invest almost 39% of my after tax take home pay. So, since I work at least ten hours a day, that is about 2.5 hours of labor that I provide, that I then am able to capitalize towards my financial future.


Establishing wealth is a daily process. Cultivate it continuously and you will reap the rewards of your harvest for the rest of your life.


The essence of life is growth. Do the best that you can, earn the most, be the most.  How tall can a tree grow? Do not be constrained by self-set limitations.


You cannot control how tall you become. But you can continue to grow your mind. Become all that you can, earn as much as you can, save as much, reach for the maximum you can do in all things.


Go forth with an attitude of things in life being easy. Fuel your ambitions, your desires, your achievements. reinforce your positive decisions.


Always look for the next spot to plant your seeds. Do not despair when you can’t see the growth immediately, the fruit will come.


Photo Credit: By hin255

First monthly “income” goal hit from dividends

Finally hit the first rung of my monthly dividend income of $10. Crossed it for the first time in April, and have now hit it a week earlier in May.


This puts my FDDI at around .3225


By this time next year I want to have at least doubled this.


Excited to see the prospects for Sigma Labs (SGLB) as a long-term investment, just crossed 20,000 shares, average price at .18 / share.


Setting aside investing capital for now to go towards future moving expenses and necessary purchases over the next few months.


By August or earlier I want to have at least $1,000 saved towards my next major stock purchases.


Portfolio at around $5k , and again, hope to see it at $10k by this time in 2015. My year-end goal is to beat this though.

Car loan is doing fine, still want to pay close to the minimum since the APR is so low at 1.98%

Keep the stuff, watch a movie for free.

How we spend our time and money says a lot about who we are.


Many can get caught up in the frantic and frenetic pursuit of more STUFF. Like the classic scene in The Jerk, you always need just one more thing.


I’ve said it before you need to start looking at why you do the things that you do in life. What is your purpose?


Who are you buying those shoes for? I am not saying you need to live like a monk, but you should have a purpose towards most expenses. Even if it is a $2 candy bar because you want some chocolate, just admit its intent. Plan for it, and move on.


Life is meant to be lived, but to be free you need a means for many things in this day and age. Investing is a way to that door that leads towards financial freedom and total economic independence.


The example I linked before is one that I love to bring up with other people. Almost everyone I know has a Netflix subscription.

All of them would love to get it for free!


Wouldn’t you?



When you look at assets as replacement income for current expenses, it is a great way to motivate people to save and invest.


Prospect Capital (PSEC) it is currently around $10.8 a share and pays a monthly dividend of $0.11.
As long as you hold even 75 shares, which would cost you a little more than $810, it will pay you $8.25 a month.


That is covering the cost of all of my friends and families Netflix subscriptions, and will continue to do so. Many of them will routinely buy clothes and shoes, accessories and things that can quickly add up to more than $810 a month.


Make a change today to lead towards a better tomorrow.

Slip into a slimmer lifestyle to build wealth faster!

The Cut 5, Save 5, Invest 10 Plan

Sweating out the wasted money, getting slim to make your wallet fat!


Some of the best steps towards building lasting wealth and a strong financially fit life are started by a few modest changes to ones lifestyle.

   When you can learn to live without some of the many things that most can take for granted; such  as “necessary” luxuries and self-indulgent pampering.  You start to see the freedom that this brings.

  1. Cut 5:  Find a recurring monthly expense that you can cut that is at least 5% of your monthly costs, and eliminate it.
  2. Save 5:  Trim your discretionary spending from your monthly budget by 5%.
  3. Invest 10:  Take this 10% and invest it to start building wealth today!

If you have debts, you should focus on paying these off first. It is also a good idea to set aside an emergency fund.

For many young adults, making the effort to have around $1,000 set aside in case of an emergency will be enough to cover most costs.

Make sure you have adequate insurance, and maintain your vehicles.

These small choices to live a simpler, more streamlined life can add up to big savings over time.

All you need is $3 

 If you start with $100 and invest $100 a month, even at a very modest 6% Return on Investment (ROI), for 20 years. That is still going to add up to $44,463!

$100 a month is a piece of cake for most people to find.  All you need to do is trim a little more than three dollars a day.


If you strive for $5, you will exceed this goal. 

When you achieve $5 a day, for a total of $1,825 a year, after that same 20 year period, you have amassed $67,631 instead.

Have the confidence to believe in what you can accomplish every day, for your future financial wealth and well-being.



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